Siblings Of Ilm

Stories of the Prophets – (Qisas un-Nabiyīn)


Study the story of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in Arabic through the book of  Shaykh Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi, helping students to understand sentence structures in the Arabic language as well as the beautiful stories of the Prophet.

Learning Objectives:
  • Learn the stories of Prophets in Islam
  • Translate the Arabic Stories into English
  • Implement the rules of Arabic grammar
  • Learn and memorise Arabic vocabulary

Course Details

Stories of the Prophets (Qisas un Nabiyīn) is originally a book written for children that covers the stories of the Prophets in Arabic helping students to learn the Arabic language as well as the beautiful stories of our Prophets. These short and entertaining stories will expand your Arabic vocabulary and understanding of Arabic sentence structure and grammar, as well as increasing your knowledge and appreciating the sacrifices the Prophets made. 

This course will only cover the first book of the series, covering the story of Prophet Ibrāhīm (peace be upon him). 

Pre-requisites:  Students are expected to have studied the basics of Arabic grammar before taking this course.

There will be no recordings available, therefore students are required to attend all sessions live. An assessment will take place at the end of the course.

Instructors Biography

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Ustadhah Hafsa

Ustadhah Hafsa graduated from the traditional ʿālimiyyah programme in 2018. With over 10 years of experience teaching groups of all ages, from young children to adults. Ustadhah Hafsa has previously taught Tajwīd, Arabic Grammar, Ḥadīth, Fiqh, and Sīrah. She has a keen interest in tafsīr and tajwīd, and is always looking for opportunities to increase her knowledge and disseminate it to others.

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