Siblings Of Ilm

How to have positive & peaceful marriages


Together we will explore simple yet effective techniques to transform your relationship into a positive and peaceful one inshāʾAllāh. Learn to see your partner through a lens of admiration and appreciation, fostering a bond that transcends the ordinary. 

Learning Objectives:
  • Study simple methods to turn a bad marriage into a good one
  • Understand the repercussions of negative thinking and assumptions
  • Study how to always see your partner positively and have a blissful marriage

Course Details

Embark on a journey to revitalise your marriage and cultivate a harmonious partnership. Together, we will explore simple yet effective techniques to transform your relationship into a positive and peaceful one inshāʾAllāh. Learn to see your partner through a lens of admiration and appreciation, fostering a bond that transcends the ordinary. Whether your marriage is on the brink, simply yearning for a spark, or newly-wed, this webinar will empower you to navigate the challenges and rediscover the love that brought you together inshāʾAllāh.

Students are encouraged to attend live to benefit from the interactive session. Recordings will be available for students who are unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances.

Instructors Biography

Mufti Zubair Patel

Shaykh Zubair Patel graduated from the full-time ʿālimiyyah programme at Jami’atul Ilm wa’l Huda, Blackburn in 2005. After qualifying as a Mufti and serving as a teacher for 3 years, Shaykh Zubair returned back to his hometown of London to render his services to the local community. Since then, he has been engaged in teaching the higher Islamic sciences at various institutions across London and is well-admired and respected for his pedagogical skill.

He is one of the founders of the Newham Ulama forum, a group that unites senior scholars, imams, and leaders from across Newham to discuss and deal with pertinent issues facing the Muslim community. Alongside this, he is a co-founder of the Muslim Family Foundation, which aims to help Muslim families flourish through a combination of courses, counselling, and camps.

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