Siblings Of Ilm

An Introduction to the Science of Rasm


This course offers an introductory exploration of Rasm, the specialised field of study concerning the unique orthography used in the writing of the Qurʾān.

Applicant should already have a basic background in Tajwīd or Ulūm al-Qurʾān. Recordings are not available, attending all sessions live is necessary. An Ijazah will not be issued upon completing this course.

Learning Objectives:
  • Students will be able to describe the evolution of Arabic script, including the sequence of the Arabic alphabet, the compilation of the Qurʾān, and the historical significance of Rasm al-Khaṭṭ in the preservation and transmission of the Qurʾān.
  • Students will identify and explain the foundational principles of Rasm—including Ḥadhf (omission), Ziyādah (addition), and Ibdāl (substitution)—and list key classical texts and scholarly works on Rasm al-Khaṭṭ.
  • Students will gain proficiency in the introductory rules for Waṣl (joining) and Faṣl (separation) according to Rasm ʿUthmānī.

Course Details

This course provides an introductory exploration of Rasm, the specialised field of study focused on the unique orthography used in writing the Qurʾān. It offers students a comprehensive understanding of how the Arabic script developed in conjunction with the compilation of the Qurʾān, with particular emphasis on the role of Rasm al-Khaṭṭ in preserving the sacred text. Through a combination of historical context, theoretical principles, and practical application, students will gain a solid foundation in the science of Rasm.


  • Student must have a basic background in Tajwid or Ulum ul Qurʾān
  • Student must be able to attend all sessions live, recordings will not be available


Instructors Biography

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Ustadha Saima Yacoob

Ustadha Saaima Yacoob is the founder and director of Recite With Love. She holds multiple ijāzāt in Tajwīd and the canonical recitations of the Qurʾān as well as a Master’s in Education with a focus on Curriculum and Development. She has been teaching Qurʾān full time for more than a decade, Alhamdulillah, and has experience teaching multiple age groups. Her teachers include, Shaykh Hatim Yousseff, Shaykh Hussain Ashraq Laban, Shaykh Abdullah Abu Mahfouz, and the late Mufti Mohamed-Umer Esmail (May Allah have mercy on him). She has permission to teach as well as to grant ijazah to others through her teachers.
Her greatest passion is to inspire others to recite the Qurʾān with Tajwīd, and to develop future certified teachers of Qurʾān. It is her hope that she continues to benefit from her teachers, and is accepted by Allah Ta’ala to be a source of benefit for the ummah of His beloved Prophet (May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him).

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